Collection: Levers

2 products

Essential companion levers

In the world of DIY and construction, finding the right tools is crucial to completing any project. One of these essential tools, which often goes unnoticed but proves essential in many tasks, are levers. These tools not only make the job easier, but also expand the possibilities of what you can achieve, whether you're embarking on a full renovation or just need to make minor adjustments to your home.

Levers have become indispensable companions for professionals and amateurs, allowing them to apply force more efficiently and safely. Whether you need to disassemble parts, adjust structures, or simply move heavy objects, having the right lever can make all the difference. At Brikum, we understand the importance of these tools in your construction and DIY projects, which is why we offer you a wide range of levers, carefully selected to meet all your needs.

Choosing the right lever is as important as the technique you use to use it. Each type of lever is designed for a specific purpose, from precision levers for delicate work to heavy-duty models for more demanding applications. Our catalog includes pry bars in different shapes, sizes and materials, ensuring you find the perfect tool for every task. Additionally, we are committed to quality and durability, selecting products that not only meet, but exceed your expectations.

At Brikum, we know that your time is precious. For this reason, we make it easy to buy levers through our e-commerce, allowing you to choose, compare and buy the ideal tool from the comfort of your home. Our platform is intuitive and secure, ensuring a satisfying shopping experience. And it doesn't stop there; Our customer service is always available to offer you expert advice and answer all your questions.

Levers are more than just tools; They are essential allies in carrying out your DIY and construction projects. At Brikum, we are here to support you every step of the way, providing you not only with the levers you need, but also with the confidence to successfully complete your projects. Discover our selection today and start turning your ideas into reality with the right levers at your side.

Types of levers

Levers are simple tools that amplify the force needed to perform tasks that would otherwise require much more effort. They are classified into three main types according to the position of the fulcrum (the fulcrum), the load force (the weight or resistance to movement) and the applied force (the effort exerted by the user) . Here are the types of levers:

First degree lever: In these levers, the fulcrum is located between the applied force and the load. This type of lever can move heavy objects with less effort and change the direction of the applied force. Common examples include the scale, seesaw, and stick cutter. They offer the advantage of being able to exert a significant force on the load with a relatively small applied force, depending on the distance between the fulcrum and the point where the force is applied.

Second degree lever: here, the load is between the fulcrum and the applied force. This arrangement increases the force applied to the load, although it does not change the direction of the force. Typical examples are the handcart, the nut in a nutcracker and the landing wheels of certain types of aircraft. Second quality levers are especially useful when you need to lift heavy loads with less effort.

Third degree lever: In this type, the force applied is between the fulcrum and the load. Although this type of lever requires more force to move a load than other types, it allows for greater speed and distance for moving the load. Examples of third-degree levers include the fishing rod, tweezers, and the human arm. They are ideal for situations where control and speed of movement are more critical than reducing the force needed to move a load.

Each type of lever has its specific applications depending on the task at hand, providing unique advantages in terms of force applied, direction of force and distance or speed of movement. In DIY and construction, recognizing the most appropriate type of lever for each task can significantly improve work efficiency and safety.

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